Management Commands

Sync photos database

./ flickr_sync [options]
-u USER_ID, --user=USER_ID
                      Sync for a particular user. Default is 1 (in most
                      cases it's the admin and you're using it only for
-i, --info            Fetch info for photos. It will take a long time to
                      sync as it needs to fetch Flickr data for every photo
-e, --exif            Fetch exif for photos. It will take a long time to
                      sync as it needs to fetch Flickr data for every photo
-s, --sizes           Fetch sizes details for photos. It is not needed,
                      sizes can be obtained dynanmically. It will take a
                      long time as it needs to fetch Flickr data for every
                      photo separately.
-g, --geo             Fetch geo data for photos. It will take a long time as
                      it needs to fetch Flickr data for every photo
-p, --photosets       Sync photosets. Photos must be synced first. If photo
                      from photoset not in our db, it will be ommited.
-c, --collections     Sync collections. Photos and sets must be synced
--no-photos           Don't sync photos.
--update-photos       Update outdated photos. It will take a long time as
                      it needs to call Flickr api several times per photo.
--update-photos       Update tags in photos.
-d DAYS, --days=DAYS  Sync photos from the last n days.
--page=PAGE           Grab a specific portion of photos. To be used with
--per-page=PER_PAGE   How many photos per page should we grab? Set low value
                      (10-50) for daily/weekly updates so there is less to
                      parse, set high value (200-500) for initial sync and
                      big updates so we hit flickr less.
--ils                 Ignore last_sync.
--initial             It assumpts db flickr tables are empty and blindly
                      hits create().
-t, --test            Test/simulate. Don't write results to db.

Download photos

./ flickr_download [options]
-u USER_ID, --user=USER_ID
                      Sync for a particular user. Default is 1 (in most
                      cases it's the admin and you're using it only for
-a, --all             By default downloads only photos which have not been
                      downloaded (default behavior). Use this option to
                      (re)download all.
-p, --public          Only public photos.
-s, --size            Specify size for download (by default original for pro
                      accounts and large for non-pro).
-r, --reset           Clear downloads db table. Does not affect your files.

Photos are downloaded under your MEDIA folder. Default settings you can override:

# default settings
FLICKR_DOWNLOAD_DIRFORMAT = '%Y/%Y-%m' # Photo.date_posted
# photos with date_posted January 2009 will land in /media/flickr/2009/2009-01/

# example custom settings
# photos with date_posted 23 January 2009 will land in /media/downloads/2009/01/23/ etc.